Dear Mrs. Gertrude Plooster Adams; You were the Best Auntie ever... Some of the things I am remembering about you on your last day on Earth: summer visits with you (and my Uncle & Cousins): you got me, because you needed some girl time after living with Uncle Babe & 3 sons! I remember you telling me, "... you sure like to read! always got your nose in a book..." homemade ice cream : one of your favorites was peach, you really loved peach walnut! sewing: Auntie, you were not much of a seamstress...I recall witnessing your finger running right under the needle in the machine! You & my my mom were always cutting up Uncle Babe's & my dad, Leo's old clothes to make more for the 4 boys! food: Oh my gosh, we had so many picnics & family dinners (about 15 of us) together - holidays especially but they were not required! All of us women were cooking and talking while snacking, and the dads were watching sports on T...
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