My friend, Michelle, recently got married! She lives in the U.K. We are both part of a community created by The Missing Piece book series... this is a group of compassionate and passionate women who love to assist others, hoping to inspire others to reach greatness by sharing our particular life journeys and the pathways leading to success. This book was released in December 2013. The next anthology in this series was released in March 2014. In this book, we shared business strategies and the practices and beliefs that propelled our personal business success. Michelle and I wrote our chapters, as well as 24 other wonderful authors. Just when things were going exceedingly well, my friend ran into a blip....this is the type of blip one is never prepared for and does not voluntarily seek out. You see, interpersonal violence can be devastating. It shows no mercy and spares no can happen to any one of us, at anytime. So I am asking YOU, if you can do any...
Talk about how way writing can take you places that you never thought possible, in a positive manner! Let's see how writing helps us face whatever Life Curve is sent on our path.